
Dynergie, a registered CIR-CII consulting firm

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The Dynergie teams are very pleased to announce the renewal of the referencing (9 March 2024) with the Mediator of Companies as a CIR-CII consulting player capable of providing you with the best possible support in obtaining these schemes in full compliance with the charter.

The referencing "actor of consulting in CIR-CII"

The referencement des acteurs de conseil en CIR-CII is a quality label awarded by the Médiateur des entreprises. This scheme is designed to distinguish organizations and firms that demonstrate expertise in Research Tax Credit (RTC) and Innovation Tax Credit (ITC) consulting, while committing to a lasting and balanced relationship with their customers.

What are the requirements for certification?

Each consulting actor can apply for referencing on a voluntary basis. To obtain this referencing, advisors must comply with a code of ethics that includes compliance obligations. Compliance with this charter is subject to a comprehensive assessment during which the firm must justify its solid and rigorous approach through the practices implemented in the support of its clients.

The charter for Research and Innovation Tax Credit consultants

The charter for CIR-CII consulting players is a fundamental document for firms wishing to obtain referencing. This charter is based on five main duties and eleven commitments that stakeholders must follow.

Duties encompass obligations such as the duty to inform, raise awareness and protect. This is to ensure transparent communication with customers and to ensure that they are protected in terms of data and information.

As for the commitments, they include specific actions to be implemented to ensure a quality relationship with client companies. For example, stakeholders must provide information in the pre-commercial and commercial phases and present the administration's tools in relation to public aid in terms of CIR and CII.

The charter is available here if you wish to consult it.

Dynergie, a referenced consulting firm and service provider that assists you with your CIR-CII

Since 2021, we have been a CIR-CII referenced consulting player, ensuring compliance with the charter, which guides and accompanies in obtaining and monitoring the CIR-CII (reference number 2015-11-19/2/3.0).

We have initiated this voluntary approach, which is aligned with our values, in order to:

  • to provide our clients with professional assurance of the quality of our services,
  • maintain a dynamic of continuous progress,
  • follow the best practices relating to the CIR-CII,
  • Maintain close collaboration with the other referenced actors.

If you would like to take advantage of the advice of our experts at funding innovation, from setting up your CIR-CII to securing it, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact page.


Who is eligible and eligible for the CIR?

The Research Tax Credit (Crédit d'Impôt Recherche - CIR ) is intended for companies that incur research and development (R&D) expenditure in France. Eligibility criteria include :

  • All industrial, commercial and agricultural companies, regardless of size, status (company, sole trader) or tax regime (income tax or corporation tax).
  • Companies investing in fundamental research, applied research or experimental development. The scope of activities eligible for the CIR must clearly demonstrate compliance with five cumulative criteria: novelty, creativity, uncertainty, systematization and reproducibility.
  • Eligible expenses include salaries, operating expenses, depreciation, research expenses entrusted to CIR-approved third parties, intellectual property expenses, etc.

It should be noted that the eligibility request can be verified thanks to the implementation of a tool called the tax ruling, which allows you to have an official confirmation of the eligibility of a project before declaring it.

What is cir approval?

CIR approval is an administrative certification issued by the French Ministry of Research. It certifies that a structure, notably companies and private organizations, is qualified to carry out research and development (R&D) on behalf of other entities.

This approval is particularly relevant for structures operating in the European Economic Area (EEA) wishing to carry out R&D projects on behalf of third parties. By obtaining it, these structures can enable their customers to declare the expenses associated with this work as part of their CIR.

Who is eligible and eligible for the ITC?

The Innovation Tax Credit (CII ) is available :

  • SMEs, as defined by the European Union, that incur innovation costs for the design of prototypes or pilot plants for new products.
  • Companies must be subject to corporate or income tax in France.
  • The scope of eligible activities must satisfy two cumulative conditions: i) the new product must not yet be on the market; ii) it must be distinguished by superior performance to products already on the market in terms of technology, eco-design, ergonomics or functionality.

A tax ruling procedure can be carried out to obtain a formal opinion from the administration on the eligibility of a project before declaring it.

Useful links:

> Focus on the 2024 Finance Act: C3IV, JEI and other measures

> Reform of the CIR: deciphering the changes to be expected

> The reform of the JEI status in the 2024 Finance Law: what remains of the Midy report?

Damien Villiers-Moriamé

Senior Consultant funding innovation - Head of Innovation Tax, IT, Electronics - Partner - Lyon

I assist innovative companies of all sizes in their efforts to obtain public funding (CIR-CII, JEI, bpifrance, CIN, etc.). My technical knowledge intervenes in various fields such as IoT, AI, e-education, embedded systems or service robotics. My daily work consists in accompanying entrepreneurs on key and crucial steps of their projects (construction of Financing Plan, construction of Business Plan, validation of the economic model).

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