The R&D
In a rapidly changing world, research and development plays a crucial role in enabling companies not only to keep pace, but also to remain pioneers.
In a world where climate and societal issues are increasingly pressing, R&D is also a lever for innovation that benefits the entire ecosystem.
The R&D Lab aims to nurture the synergies that exist between theory and business reality, and to respond above all to the real challenges faced by innovators.
It is in the field that problems emerge and are addressed, and it is also in the field that they are validated.
We quickly apply the methods and tools developed by the Lab to real-life projects, with a view to iterative optimization.
Innovation is a subject at the crossroads of several disciplines and streams of "hard" and "social" science.
We are therefore keen to draw on all these currents to build our work, and compare our results with researchers and professionals from all horizons.
Research is a shared adventure. That's why we share our progress at conferences, events, articles and exchanges.
We seek out, nurture and cherish collaboration, both with academic players and with companies.