
FemTech: state of the art in innovation and research

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Let's discover together an example of technology at the service of people and social progress through the FemTech sector.

Origin and definition of the term

FemTech, a contraction of "feminine" and "technology", historically refers to all technological innovations dedicated to women's health and well-being.

Its origins date back to the 2010s, when entrepreneurs began to recognize the need for women-specific solutions in the healthcare field. Women were generally under-represented in medical research and the world of technology, leading to gaps in the treatment and follow-up options available to them. FemTech was born out of this realization and has since grown in popularity and importance.

Ida Tin and "FemTech

It was Ida Tin, a Danish entrepreneur and founder of Clue, the menstrual health app, who pioneered the term in 2016. On a trip to the Techcrunch Disrupt trade show in San Francisco, she realized that the spaces were organized by theme (Fintech for finance, Medtech for healthcare...), and so created the term to clearly define the industry in which her company operates.

Importance of FemTech

The importance of FemTech today cannot be overstated. Women have unique health needs that require special attention and tailored solutions. Yet many female medical conditions have been neglected or misunderstood in the research and development of healthcare products.

FemTech aims to fill this gap by offering solutions specifically designed to meet women's needs, thereby significantly improving their quality of life and well-being. This makes it an extremely fertile sector for innovation and research.

Range of technologies

FemTech encompasses a wide range of technologies, from mobile apps to advanced medical devices, that aim to address women's specific health and wellness needs. These needs can be as varied as contraception, reproductive health, menopause, menstrual health issues, and many more.

Women's autonomy and empowerment

It plays a crucial role in society in fostering the autonomy and empowerment of women - in health, but not only. By giving them access to information and tools that enable them to better understand their own bodies and health needs, FemTech facilitates informed decision-making and promotes the management of their well-being.

Trends and emerging companies in FemTech

In a world that is still too unequal between the genders, FemTech offers opportunities for a fairer society.

That's why the field is booming, with numerous companies and startups emerging every day. From mobile apps for tracking menstrual cycles (Clue, My Cycles Period, Glow...) to biofeedback devices for perineal rehabilitation (Emy), not forgetting platforms for women's health education (Climax, Sylex...).

In terms of research, there is growing interest in studying women's specific conditions and developing comprehensive, effective follow-up solutions. In the ever-evolving FemTech landscape, one start-up stands out for its innovative approach and commitment to women's health: Lyv Healthcare.

Case study: Lyv Healthcare Lyv Healthcare

Lyv Healthcare revolutionizes endometriosis care through digital therapeutic support. It has developed the Lyv App solution, an everyday ally to help women affected by endometriosis feel understood, supported and accompanied on this chaotic and winding road. By offering a multi-disciplinary approach, the app provides a better understanding of this disease and helps target symptoms, bringing about lasting changes in women's lives, ultimately improving the quality of life of women affected by this chronic pathology.

FemTech is a fast-growing field that offers enormous opportunities to improve the health and well-being of women worldwide. With continued innovation and increased commitment from the scientific community, FemTech promises a future where women's specific needs are taken into account and respected. And with apps like Lyv App at the forefront of this revolution, that future looks brighter than ever.

Future Promises

In short, FemTech is revolutionizing women's health and well-being by bringing targeted innovations and in-depth research into their specific needs. This advance is not only a step towards better healthcare solutions, but also marks significant progress towards equal access to medical care.

With each innovation, she doesn't just address immediate needs; she also paves the way for a future where women's health is prioritized and valued. While challenges remain, the current momentum and growing commitment to FemTech point to a promising future, where innovation and research continue to create a more inclusive and equitable world.

Pauline Noraz

Funding innovation consultant - SHS, ESS - Lyon

At Dynergie, I emphasize social and user innovation, and research in the human sciences, proving their importance in various sectors such as education, healthcare and textiles.

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