Structuring and financing a management science research program
R&D strategy and tax levers
Yoomap, which has always financed its own growth, wanted to accelerate its development by implementing an optimized R&D strategy, while activating the right tax levers for Fund (Crédit d'Impôt Recherche, Crédit d'Impôt Innovation, Jeune Entreprise Innovante).
Support in structuring and financing R&D activities
Dynergie offered Yoomap tailor-made support:
Understanding the context: Working meeting with the founder to gain an understanding of the business, perceived areas of research and innovation, and Yoomap's vision, strategy and work.
Identifying the issues addressed by Yoomap: Our experts compared the information gathered from the founder with existing literature on open innovation. This enabled us to identify the different forms taken by Yoomap's R&D activities: R&D in IT and, above all, in management sciences.
Structuring the R&D program: Our experts structured, formalized and raised awareness of Yoomap's R&D approach: creation of an open innovation observatory, clarification of the role of each employee in the R&D approach, introduction of laboratory notebooks, implementation of appropriate time tracking, establishment of a partnership with a public research organization, recruitment of a young doctor...
Securing Young Innovative Company and Research Tax Credit status: Our experts have finally put together the Young Innovative Company rescript (which is equivalent to the Research Tax Credit rescript) to secure eligibility for these two schemes, prior to any declaration.
Declarationand control: Our experts have finally put together all the supporting elements, in strict compliance with the administration's rules and procedures.
The results
Optimizing the R&D process
Yoomap's R&D approach has been greatly optimized with the implementation of a perfectly adapted R&D organization and processes (knowledge capitalization, time tracking), enabling effective communication between the various company departments involved in the approach.
Optimizing the company's financial strategy
The company's research tax credit has been multiplied by 3 and has been strongly secured (thanks to the implementation of an appropriate R&D approach + thanks to the implementation of R&D indicators + thanks to the implementation of a JEI rescript).
To conclude.
Working with Dynergie enabled Yoomap to efficiently structure its R&D program, optimize its financial strategy and secure its CIR, thus contributing to the smooth and efficient management of its innovation.

Richard Biquillon
Working with Dynergie has enabled us to adopt a simple, efficient and serene approach to managing and financing our R&D and Innovation program. Indeed, after having filed our first CIR rescrit when Yoomap was created, we realized that CIR management was both complex and a real job. Working with Dynergie enabled us to structure our program, better understand our research challenges and secure and optimize our CIR. Finally, Dynergie's expert profiles in the field of innovation and R&D saved Yoomap a considerable amount of time by relieving us of the time-consuming tasks of drafting, summarizing and formatting the necessary supporting documents and tax rulings.
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Everything you need to boost your innovation and your R&D.