Strategy & Innovation

Solidarity innovation: Handicap International x Dynergie

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"Large, massive companies like ours, which now employs over 140,000 people worldwide, are obliged to work in open innovation (open innovation)." Sylvain Paineau, Business Incubation Director at Schneider Electric, talks about his experience of innovation support provided by an external company, Dynergie, to make the group's growth-through-innovation strategy a success.

In the 7 years we've been working together, Dynergie has adapted its innovation consulting services to its customer's needs, starting with setting up and managing collaborative projects for Fund projects through to the market launch of the innovations it supports.

Find out what was actually done with Schneider Electric.

From steel in the 19th century, to electrical distribution and automation in the 20th century, to energy management today, Schneider Electric has always been a player in the transformation of its industry, with an international, innovative and responsible mindset. Refocused today on energy management and industrial processes and the optimization of their use, the company offers integrated technologies and solutions that optimize energy use. It is a world leader in energy management and energy efficiency.

Since 2012, Schneider Electric has decided to rely on Dynergie's services to support its innovation strategy, including:

the search for funding opportunities, partly for collaborative projects,
the development of its innovative projects,
the sourcing of market interests.

We therefore invited Sylvain Paineau, Business Incubation Director at Schneider Electric, to our offices to share his feedback on the partnership he has maintained with Dynergie for more than 7 years in the area of innovation.

Good to know

"Large, massive companies like ours, which now has over 140,000 people worldwide, are forced to work in open innovation (open innovation)."

Sylvain Paineau

The advantage for a large group to entrust certain tasks of a project to an external structure is to associate with agile specialists bringing expertise as varied as complementary.

Testimony of Sylvain Paineau, Business Incubation Director at Schneider Electric.

Market expertise, deployed to adapt to customer needs

Schneider Electric, which started as a product manufacturer and evolved into a hardware and software services company, is constantly adapting its strategy. Thanks to their flexibility, our specialists brought added value to the management of this evolution thanks to their ability to step outside the framework of the missions when necessary and to adapt to the evolving needs of the project. At the same time, Dynergie has evolved and completed their innovation support service with a team dedicated to the market approach, allowing to know the viability of the innovations treated as well as the markets to target in priority to make them commercial successes.


Let's take the example of the LEDbox project, a box capable of simultaneously controlling about thirty LEDs. Thanks to its innovation pyramid, Dynergie highlighted the obstacles to the project in order to find suitable solutions and remove these obstacles. Schneider Electric then entrusted Dynergie with the task of meeting the market, testing the impact of the value proposition represented by this innovation, and then targeting the most promising customers.

The benefits of a long-term relationship

In 7 years of collaboration, the consulting teams have provided innovation consulting to many projects at Schneider Electric, have seen them emerge, and continue today to support several of them.

Schneider Electric appreciates their services, especially their ability to adapt their services to the evolution of their customers, without forgetting the expertise in innovation they bring, which allows them to master the issues specific to their sectors of activity.

However, other assets led Schneider Electric to trust Dynergie. Its teams have developed a very reassuring approach, based on essential soft skills. In particular, their rigor and their sense of communication enabled them to collaborate with numerous contacts at Schneider Electric while keeping the projects focused on their priority objectives.

A long-term relationship also allows us to work together on innovation projects from their genesis, through various iteration phases, sometimes over several years, to market launch.

In conclusion

It is important for us to know how to evolve our services in innovation, to be agile, to satisfy the needs of our globalized customers on the long term.

This is what we are doing with Schneider Electric, which continues to rely on our specialized and complementary services to support its growth through innovation.

Lionel Pros

Business Developer, partner.

Since 2001, I have been assisting innovation players in targeting and building the best research partnerships for the development of their strategic projects. As a specialist in identifying the best national and European funding schemes for collaborative innovative projects, I am in charge of developing activities with major accounts and piloting corporate partnerships/approaches.

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