Strategy & Innovation

How do I fill in the value proposition canvas?

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In this article, you'll discover how to use the "value proposition canvas" to understand your customer, define the value proposition map and check the match between your offer and your customers' expectations.

Definition: what is a canva value proposition?

The Value Proposition Canvas is a strategic tool designed by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith. This tool helps define and align the value proposition of a company, product or service with the real needs and expectations of its customers.

This canvas is presented in matrix form and consists of two main parts:

1. The customer profile, which describes your customers' tasks (also called "customer jobs"), the problems they face (called "pains") and their aspirations (or "gains") from the target audience.

2. The value proposition card, which details your product or service offering, highlighting the features that solve problems ("pain relievers") or create benefits ("gain creators") for your customers.

Objective: design your value proposition in a single canvas

The purpose of the value proposition canvas is to guide you in :

1. Understanding the customer's profile:

  • Identify the tasks the customer wants to accomplish.
  • Identify the problems it encounters.
  • Discover the benefits it aims to achieve.

2. Define a value proposition map:

  • Define your product and service offering.
  • Design gain creators to deliver tangible or intangible benefits.
  • Develop pain reducers to alleviate frustration.

3. Check the match between the offer and expectations: Ensure convergence between what you offer and what the customer expects. This confirms that your offer is relevant to the identified needs.

The Value Proposition Canvas is a step-by-step guide to building a viable value proposition in a single document.

What does this have to do with business model canva?

The Business Model Canvas (BMC ) provides an overall view of the business model for a product or service offering. The value proposition is an essential element. The Value Proposition Canvas therefore complements the BMC. These two tools should be used in conjunction to :

  • Clarify the added value you bring to your customers.
  • Optimize your products and services to best meet identified needs.
  • Align your value proposition with the other components of your business model.

Explanation: How do I fill out a canva value proposition?

We recommend defining the value proposition map and the customer profile separately.

When you go to use this canvas, it's likely that you already have an idea or product/service in mind. Therefore, it's a good idea to start with the value proposition map, which lists and categorizes all product and service features. Then complete the customer profiles for each target persona.

During convergence, this approach will enable you to compare your initial idea/product/service with its weaknesses and strengths, and optimize it. You'll also be able to identify your most appropriate target personas.

In our opinion, these are the two components that will be essential to your success in using Canva and to your value proposition.

Defining the value proposition map

Products & Services

To begin with, list all the products or services you offer as part of your overall package. This section enables you to clearly identify what you offer your customers/personas.

Profit Creators

Next, detail the functionalities and features of your products or services that can create benefits. This section enables you to identify the components of your products or services that create real gains for their users.


Finally, to finalize the value proposition map, list functionalities and features that can be solutions to problems and frustrations. This will highlight how your offering can address the challenges your customers/personas may face, and how it can improve their experience or situation.

Define customer profile

It's important to define a customer profile for each target persona you've identified. Avoid mixing these profiles. This will enable you to tailor your final value proposition and pitch to your target audience.

Tasks (or Jobs)

Always start by filling in the customer profile. The starting point is the tasks. They represent what customers are trying to achieve in their life or work.

This may involve :

  • Specific tasks they are looking to achieve,
  • Problems they're trying to solve,
  • Needs they seek to satisfy.

These elements may be emotional, functional or social in nature.


Go on to list the benefits your target personas are looking for when carrying out their tasks. These benefits are the expected results or advantages they hope to achieve by using a product or service.

They can include elements such as simplification,economy,functional utility or positive emotions. To avoid biasing the canva, don't limit yourself to just the benefits your products or services bring.


Finally, as with the benefits, we need to define the problems they may encounter. These problems arise when they try to accomplish their tasks or satisfy their needs. They represent their obstacles, constraints or dissatisfactions.

Verification of convergence

Now that you've completed these various parts, it's time to proceed with the convergence check. This step is necessary to ensure that your offer corresponds to your customers' needs and expectations, and that it brings them real value.

Please note! It's quite possible that your offer doesn't perfectly meet your customers' expectations. In this case, you'll need to consider designing a new product/service offering, or identifying new target customer profiles.

Problem solutions

The first step in verifying convergence is to assess whether your products or services offer solutions to your customers' major problems.

Generate substantial profits

Next, analyze whether your offer generates significant benefits for your customers. This means determining whether your products or services deliver tangible or intangible benefits that address your customers' needs and desires in a relevant and compelling way.

Example of a completed canva value proposition

Here's an example from Canva, completed for a fictitious innovation project. We've called this project the Smart Recycler. It's a smart recycling garbage can for families. It automatically scans, sorts and compacts recyclable waste.

How do you present your value proposition?

To best present your proposal, we recommend you use the following template:

Our solution [name of solution] helps [name of target persona] who want [job] in [benefit or problem] and in [benefit or problem].

For example: Our Smart Recycler solution helps eco-conscious households who want to recycle efficiently by reducing the complexity of sorting and educating their children about sorting in a fun and effective way.

In this example, the value created is simplification and awareness. We can then formulate a promise: "With Smart Recycler, recycling becomes child's play for your whole family".

To best formulate your value proposition and promise, here are a few tips:

1. Clarity and simplicity

Be clear and concise in your presentation. Use plain language and avoid technical jargon. Make sure your value proposition is easily understood by your audience.

2. Highlight the benefits

Focus on the benefits your product or service brings to your customers. Explain how your offer meets their needs, solves their problems or significantly improves their lives.

3. Be persuasive

Use persuasive arguments to convince your target audience that your offer meets their expectations. Highlight the unique features of your product or service and explain why it stands out from the competition.

4. Adaptability

Tailor your presentation to your target audience. Identify your audience's needs, concerns and interests, and adjust your speech accordingly to maximize the impact of your value proposition.

Value proposition canva français blank to fill in

Innovation marketing & value proposition canva

Chez Dynergie, cabinet expert en étude de marché, nous utilisons principalement value proposition canva dans le cadre d'études quantitatives ou qualitatives, afin de valider le marché d'un projet d'innovation. Le Value Proposition Canvas est alors essentiel pour le marketing de l'innovation. Grâce à cela, nos équipes peuvent définir une proposition de valeur claire et précise pour de nombreux projets d'innovation.

Nicolas Hily

Marketing & Growth Manager

After spending two years as an innovation consultant specializing in the implementation of marketing strategies for innovative solutions, I'm now focusing on boosting Dynergie's growth as marketing and growth manager. Throughout my career, I've had the chance to experiment with a wide range of methods and principles derived from the field, my customers, my colleagues and various sources of information. Today, I'm delighted to have the opportunity to share this expertise with you. I hope to be able to share my vision of innovation and marketing through this content.

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