International Innovation Challenge 2022
A major challenge for the Hachette group
In January 2022, the Development and Innovation Department (DDI) of Hachette Livre is committed to identifying growth opportunities, diversifying publishing houses and encouraging internal innovation.
For achieve this ambition, the experts at Dynergie and Yumana helped the DDI organize the International Innovation Challenge that same year.
The key objectives were to select and accelerate 4 to 6 projects supporting Hachette Livre's development, and to identify internal innovators.
Three steps from idea to project
The Challenge took place in three stages.
The first, managed by Yumana, was a call for ideas to which over 7,700 employees responded with 152 projects.
The second stage,"Business Design", carried out by Dynergie and Yumana, guided the 10 finalists to refine their projects and make them relevant to the COMEX.
The final stage,"Business Validation", led by Dynergie, aimed to achieve market the concepts. Workshops were organized to define the collective vision, personal interests, objectives and indicators. Personalized support was provided, with regular coaching and market validation adapted to the evolution of the projects.
The results
Fruitful collaboration.
The collaboration between Dynergie, Yumana and the DDI helped turn these innovative ideas into concrete achievements, while reinforcing the innovation culture at Hachette Livre.
An international success.
Four winning projects, representing France, the UK, Spain and the USA, are now supported by the DDI, both financially and in terms of human resources, for achieve their projects following the Challenge.
Operational excellence.
The Dynergie teams were able to get close to the teams on a human level, finding the right approach for each one, inspiring them but also guiding them towards execution and organization.
To conclude.
The International Innovation Challenge 2022 was a success, because it enabled us to demonstrate the operational strength of the Development and Innovation team within Hachette Livre, by establishing their relevance through a close and transparent relationship.

Nicolas Docao
The great expertise of the Dynergie teams was decisive in the success of Hachette Livre's first international innovation challenge. Their ability to listen, their sense of responsible innovation and their agility were assets in the service of our ambition: to be the most innovative publishing group in the world, serving all readers and learners.
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