Identifying the adequacy of an educational game with its BtoC market: the Biumiz case.
Today, teaching a new foreign language to children is complex.
Starting from the observation of the language level of the French, the Biumiz project was born 6 years ago at the initiative of Amandine Piguel, who decided to develop a game to awaken the interaction in oral English among the youngest.
After exchanging with her friend Laurence Schmoll from the University of Languages in Strasbourg, she obtained the support of the CNRS to pursue the development of language didactics.
It was then that Satt Conectus identified the project as having strong potential and decided to transfer the technology and knowledge from CNRS to a successful private company.
How can we make the experience fun, entertaining, but above all learning?
Before being an innovative application designed to promote oral interaction in English among young people, Biumiz is a narrative game.
In this game, players take on the role of Biumiz, an alien who has crashed to Earth after an incident during a space trip. Children will accompany Biumiz, Tom and his family on their journey to Canada to help him repair his ship and learn English.
The pedagogical method for learning English is based on scientific research in language didactics. During these play sessions, children will be confronted with the orality of English, but will not encounter any written text in English.
Find the match between the offer and its market.
Biumiz's ambition is to become the reference company in foreign language learning for children, starting with English in France.
With this in mind, Satt Conectus called on Dynergie to identify the market opportunities for this technology and to design the application to maximize its impact on children.
This preliminary work was validated through a B2C simulation in real market conditions.
The 4 key steps
Our experts have worked out a 4-step plan based on hypotheses to be verified.
- Prepare : Establish a desirable offering, assumptions to validate, and a clear strategy with its action plan.
- Implement: Create and implement all the elements necessary to run the test campaign.
- Experiment: Launch the campaign, analyze its results, make the best strategic decisions and then optimize.
- Analyze : compare the results with the objective of formulating the best match between the offer and the market.
The results
A precise expertise.
Our experts and the Satt Conectus teams identified all the hypotheses of the Biumiz offer requiring validation during a marketing workshop. Thanks to this basis, a precise action plan (experiments, key KPI's) was defined for the test campaigns to be set up.
A fast modeling.
In 2 weeks, our experts created the landing pages, ads and key KPI's to simulate the B2C pre-marketing of the project. This realistic showcase was used to validate the market interest for the project.
9 weeks of full validation.
Three different sprints were conducted, each with key variations of hypothesis validation. This allowed us to test different triggers (called "triggers") to optimize Biumiz's speech, delivery and value proposition.
An identified market fit.
The analysis of the results helped to understand the market and the positioning of Biumiz. The results showed that the game is popular with a low acquisition cost. Our experts then recommended to Satt Conectus to continue with Biumiz to launch it on the market!
To conclude.
The transition from the project stage to market deployment is crucial. For Satt Conectus, the market test activation was a real guide to focus their target, their discourse and the most relevant channels in order to invest time and money more securely.

Amandine Piguel
"Validating the Biumiz market with Dynergie was a very positive experience. Their iterative approach, with successive experiments, allowed us to understand the effects of each lever in play. Thanks to this, we now have a clear vision of the product's future. The dynamism of the team that accompanied us was also very welcome, our communication was fluid and pleasant."
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